Re: MD The Not-So-Simpleminds at play

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Thu Sep 18 2003 - 22:03:21 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD The Not-So-Simpleminds at play"

    > 10) Is it moral to have an opinion about a President without living in his country? (looking at
    Culture A using the values of Culture B)
    > Absolutely, though I think Sam is wrong when he says "To say otherwise is to say that there is no
    universal scale of values." I don't know what a universal scale of values is supposed to be except
    an authoritative "I have found the TRUTH." Pragmatists don't think there are a universal scale of
    values, but they feel perfectly comfortable being open-minded ethnocentrists and basing their
    decisions off of their inheirited patterns, all the while looking for new patterns.

    He he he :-) I knew you'd pick me up on that.
    All I mean is that value isn't just our opinions - even if we can't ever get out from behind our own
    opinions when we're talking about it. At least, that's my take on the MoQ.


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