RE: MD A metaphysics--Resignation

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 22:30:36 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD MoQ platypuses"

    -----Original Message-----
    David MOREY said to Matt:
    a reasonable point about the poets and writers Rorty
    discusses, but I think the talk about solidarity is doomed
    in our disenchanted world, I can't help thinking we
    need to connect human existence more closely
    to cosmic significance. We somehow need a more
    impressive and broader story than stories about our fellow
    men, however much I value literature. Essentially (yes I'm doing ironic
    metaphysics again) I think we need to associate DQ with something
    divine, and SQ as the achievement of DQ. A cosmic achievement.

    dmb says:
    Right. Even in practical and historical terms I think its easy to see that
    this is related to most of the major events in the world. The "death of God"
    has led to the rise of fundamentalism, fascism and other reactionary
    movements on the one hand and on the other there is the "terrible secret
    loneliness" and existential angst that comes from living in a "ruthless and
    hostile" universe. Both are symptoms of the metaphysics of substance, of
    scientific materialism. That's why the jury still seems to be out in the
    Scopes Monkey trial and all that. I think SOM's lack of spirituality is at
    the heart of all that and more.

    Only one hundred and twenty eight posts left to read... Whew!


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