Re: MD Krishnamurti

Date: Fri Oct 03 2003 - 23:59:58 BST

  • Next message: Dan Glover: "Re: MD Intellectual level - New letter from Pirsig"

    Hello Mark,
    Thanks for that. Pirsig - Krishnamurti. I didn't know. That's just great!
    I'll get those books you mentioned as soon as I finish Howard Bloom's "Global
    Brain" (2000) in which he points to an "interspecies global mind" Don't miss
    the last paragraph in that book. For a long time I've been sympathetic to Jung
    and Campbell's collective unconscious. Then I got to thinking there must be
    a collective conscious. Then along comes Bloom with his account of group
    selection in the dynamics of biological and social evolution. Lots of MOQ
    I've been retired for two years from the schools. I decided to be
    self-referred for a change and I went about rereading my graduate texts on psychotherapy
    and to educate myself on the history of western philosophy. I had this
    nagging itch. Is there really such a reality as an object? If the universe is
    alive, aware, and responsive (as I believe it is) - what's an object? I started
    with ZAMM and Lila. The Greeks came next. And, of course, I was off to the
 led me to Ken Wilber. I read his "No Boundary" which supported my
    earlier readings on the philosophy and healing system of the Hawaiian shamans
    (kahunas) - the discipline of Huna. I noticed Wilber borrowed many of his ideas
    from Krishnamurti. (he says so in the back of his book). Someone on the MOQ
    was into Howard Bloom and then I heard him speak on the radio one night.
    Notice that? The interconnectivity. Of course you do, you're an MOQ'er.
    My approach to education in the schools? I follow William James' advice.
    Education can be approached through the concept of relatedness. James - another
    guy Pirsig likes. He says so in Lila. Hmmm. Anyway, I show kids and adults
    how everything is connected. Remember in ZAMM how Phaedrus asked students to
    write a paper simply by examining a penny? No problem from an
    interconnectivity approach.
    Within the next year I'm moving back to the Philippines. I used to train and
    evaluate teachers at international schools there back in the 80's. I feel at
    home there. Finish writing my book, perhaps do a little consulting work in
    education and pursue a doctorate. Life is good. Lots of quality these days.
    May your every step be blessed.

    Hello Jim,
    Thanks for your response. You sound to me like an example of the tutors i had
    the good fortune to experience once or twice in my education; the teacher who
    takes time to wander off in all directions only to tie it up by the end in a
    relevant and thought provoking unity.

    This caught my eye: 'Is there really such a reality as an object? If the
    universe is alive, aware, and responsive (as I believe it is) - what's an
    It seems there are differentiation's but no objects - objects may be seen as
    artistic creations of a differentiating process; a process which preselects on
    aesthetic and harmonic grounds. In this scheme, it is pathological to insist
    upon severe divisions, as that assertion is destructive and the source of
    disunity and pain.
    Sadly, the Western view appears to be dominated by inherent cultural
    assertions of this nature?

    But there are many Western thinkers who do not go down this path and this
    indicates to me that we can be positive in our continuing enquiry into Quality.
    The MoQ certainly helps me on a day to day level, and that is where it counts?
    And i sort of have the feeling it is helping you also?
    I look forward to reading your book...
    All the best,

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