Re: MD MOQ Discuss Rules

From: Horse (
Date: Wed Nov 05 2003 - 01:43:37 GMT

  • Next message: Nathan Pila: "MD quality is ...?"

    Hi All

    Platt's quite correct to point out that the number of posts per person per day rule (3) is being
    ignored by some. It should also be pointed out that rules 4 and 6 are ignored on a regular
    These are:
    4) Members should reproduce only the relevant parts of any previous message to which they
    are responding.

    6) Where possible, posts should be restricted to plain text - no HTML, Rich Text (RTF) or other
    formats should be used.

    For the most part this isn't a problem but when all 3 are ignored simultaneously problems do
    occur. The most common of these problems is that posts exceed the 16K limit imposed on all
    posts. These posts are forwarded to me and I have to pass them through to the list. I put most
    through but some get lost in the spam.

    Unless I decided to moderate all posts which would be a real pain in the arse, I can't really
    enforce any of these rules as such. But I would request that members make a bit more effort to
    produce higher quality and lower quantity when posting to the list. It doesn't take much effort, it
    make the posts easier to read and seriously reduces the amount of bandwidth all 'round.

    As I said, short of putting in major restrictions, I can't reasonably enforce many of the rules and
    shouldn't need to.


    On 4 Nov 2003 at 15:48, Platt Holden wrote:

    > Hi David M., Horse:
    > Just a reminder that under our rules as published on the site.
    > Rule No. 3 states:
    > 3) Each member should limit the number of posts they submit to a
    > maximum of four per day.
    > Horse, this site's manager, is an all around good fellow and is
    > reluctant to enforce the rules except under the most egregious
    > circumstances. So, speaking just for myself I'd appreciate it a lot if
    > you would restrict yourself to the limit by combining some of your many
    > ideas and thoughts into a fewer number of daily posts. I for one am
    > more likely to pay attention to posts that show some planning than
    > those that appear just off-the cuff.
    > Thanks for considering this request.
    > Platt
    > P.S Notice that I've violated the rule today, so I can be accused of
    > the pot calling the kettle black.

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