MD U.S. an intellectual culture

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Nov 20 2003 - 15:16:50 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD The Cutting Edge & Intellect"

    DMB, All:

    > dmb ays:
    > . . . if you're sincerely
    > interested in the way pre-historic people looked at things, there is no
    > shortage of scholarship. I would also suggest Peter Kingsley's "ANCIENT
    > PHILOSOPHY, MYSTERY, AND MAGIC: Empedocles and Pythagorean Tradition" or
    > anything by Joseph Cambpell.

    Taking your advice, I went to the local library and got a copy of "The
    Power of Myth" by Joseph Campbell. To my amazement I found Campbell
    saying to Bill Moyer of PBS:

    "This is the first nation (the U.S.) that was ever established on the
    basis of reason instead of simply warfare."

    That was a new one on me, but then I recalled what Pirsig said about
    when the intellectual level became dominant.:

    "Phaedrus thought that if he had to pick one day when the shift from
    social domination of intellect to intellectual domination of society
    took place, he would pick November II, 1918, Armistice Day, the end of
    World War 1. And if he had to pick one person who symbolized this shift
    more than any other, he would have picked President Woodrow Wilson."
    (Lila, chp 22)

    DMB made a point:
    > The point being that (ancient Egypt) serves as an example of what
    > Pirsig means when he says they had intellect, but that their culture
    > was not intellectual.

    I'm led to the conclusion that in both Pirsig's and Campbell's eyes the
    U.S. is an intellectual culture. Which will no doubt come as quite a
    surprise to our European friends. :-)


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