RE: MD Intelligence in the MOQ

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 21:07:30 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD When is an interpretation not an interpretation?"

    Hi David

    David said:
    I see the idea that intellect implies only human 'abstract thought' as
    anthropocentric. Nature produces purposeful intellect in man and it is
    anthropocentric to think that the rest of nature is not full of
    different forms of it.

    Then intellect becomes fairly meaningless as a definition of one static
    level. I would rewrite your sentence as: "Quality produces purposeful
    intellectual patterns in man and the rest of nature is full of different
    forms of Quality."

    David said:
    I do not like the idea of evolution by design or the idea of purposeless
    random mutation and natural selection, I think the only plausible
    alternative is that evolution progresses in purposeful manner.

    That's what I'm saying, if we agree that the purpose is "to get better."

    David said:
    The dog that works out that sitting is the future possibility that gains
    the chocolate has a form of intelligence.

    I would say that it has a sense of biological quality but it isn't being
    David said:
    The 'building' of the animal/human body from the fertilised egg is a
    very clear intelligently working activity. Reality is so obviously an
    inseperable material/active/intelligent combination. This is how I think
    quantum theory needs interpreting. The wave form represents the
    existence in the present of an open number of alternative futures (i.e.
    not in parallel universes) the collapse of the wave function is the
    converting of the richness of the possible into the finitude of the
    event-present. Now with something like the use of langauge (in human
    abstarct intelligence) the opeenness and possibilities of the future are
    increased, language makes the possible richer, the quantum
    indeterminability is greater (hence human's are more free than rocks),
    as we know, as you learn your capacity to control your environment
    increases because the possibility of control has become a possible
    option to you, which until you had certain language skills or other
    skills they were not. Does this make any sense to you?

    Yes, if you mean that each higher level of experience offers the ability
    to manipulate static patterns at lower levels and a greater freedom to
    respond to Dynamic Quality.



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