Re: MD Capture of a Tyrant

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 14:59:34 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD When is a metaphysics not a metaphysics?"

    Hi Platt,

    >>> Yesterday, we captured one of the worst terrorists in
    >>> history, right up there with Mao, Stalin and Hitler.
    >> Agreed. The difference between Saddam and those three and many other
    >> dictators is simply a matter of scale.
    > Your agreement on the second assertion appears to contradict your
    > disagreement about the terrorist threat. The threat was not imminent, as
    > Bush said, but remained a threat nevertheless so long as Saddam was in
    > power.

    How do you define "terrorist"? I find that the word is used to mean simply
    "bad guy", and find the statement "terrorists are evil" to be a tautology.

    I think of terrorism as a set of tactics. To me tyranny and terrorism are
    both bad by definition but are distinct in that tyranny is what one in power
    does while terrorism is what one who is not in power does. I think you
    correctly named the subject line as "capture of a tyrant" instead of
    "capture of a terrorist".


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