Re: MD MoQ versions

Date: Fri Dec 26 2003 - 10:37:51 GMT

  • Next message: khoo hock aun: "Re: MD Buddhism and the MOQ (Was Sit on my faith)"

    Steve and Wim.

    20 Dec. Steve said:
    > The statement 'static patterns "migrating towards DQ' sounds to me like
    > static patterns become closer and closer to being DQ which makes no sense to
    > me, since I think of the dynamic/static quality distinction as un-patterned
    > (undefined)/patterned (definable) experience.

    This caught my attention because I remember that Anthony
    McWatt raised this "migration from DQ to DQ" issue in a letter to
    Pirsig and that he got an answer. This I don't remember, but Ant
    may have it.

    IMO the migration is to be understood this way. Inside each level
    the development is from simplicity towards complexity - from
    stability towards instability. The simplest organisms are most
    stable, from then on it grew towards instability, yet these complex
    instable (prone to illness, easily wounded) humans were needed for
    the social development. Likewise, when the social level was
    established its tribe pattern was (still is) the most stable one, while
    the immensely complex "state" is more easily toppled, yet
    necessary for the intellectual development.

    > I can see no middle ground
    > for patterns to be more or less "patterned" though your descriptions of
    > patterns in terms of stability and versatility make sense to me (assuming I
    > have it right above.)

    More or less patterned in the simple/complex sense is feasible Wim's stability/versatility fits the scheme.


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