Re: MD Measuring values

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Jan 04 2004 - 12:20:43 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Measuring values"

    Hi Mark,

     Hi Platt,
    > Maybe what you are recognising here is that higher levels are more open to
    > DQ and therefore evolving faster? I have always felt this provides a good
    > argument for the levels in the first place: The higher the level the faster
    > it evolves.

    I wonder why an increase in the speed of evolution necessarily makes
    numerical measurement of values inoperative?

    > Also, that which measures value is a five fold entity, so
    > depending on how you are configured at any instant in time and depending on
    > the overall coherence of all patterns determines value. Basically that
    > amounts to go with the flow?

    Measure of value is a five fold entity? I can account for three folds--an
    observer, an observed and a measurement. But what are the other two?

    Thanks Mark,

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