Re: MD Re: Rorty (Big Self & small self)

From: Scott R (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 04:12:46 GMT

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Re: Rorty (Big Self & small self)"

    > Scott said:
    > Yes, the static patterns manifest DQ, but my objection is that Pirsig
    takes this in a nominalistic way, as evidenced by his considering DQ as
    "pre-intellectual", and in general seeing the intellect as covering up DQ.
    > Ant:
    > I've been given the above objection some thought. However, I don't
    understand what you mean exactly by "the intellect as covering up DQ". If
    you could phrase this in a different way and/or expand on it that will
    enable me to give you a suitable response.

    I'm thinking, for example, of the hot stove discussion in Ch. 9:

    "When the person who sits on the stove first discovers his low-Quality
    situation, the front edge of his experience is Dynamic. He does not think
    "This stove is hot", and then make a rational decision to get off. A "dim
    apprehension of he knows not what" gets him off Dynamically. Later he
    generates static patterns of thought to explain the situation."

    ..."Phaedrus thought of the two kinds of students, those who study only
    subject-object science and those who study only meditative mysticism, it
    would be the meditative mystics who get off the stove first. The purpose of
    mystic meditation is not to remove oneself from experience but to bring
    one's self closer to it by eliminating stale, confusing, static,
    intellectual attachments of the past."

    True, he does not directly say that the intellect "covers up" DQ, but that
    seems to me be the tone he is taking here and elsewhere.

    By the way, as I argued a while back, I think his characterization of the
    hot stove situation is faulty. What gets one off is a static pattern of
    biological value, namely a reflex, not DQ. Further, I would say that, though
    in practice both the mystic and science student would in fact both get off
    right away, the mystic, by being focused more strongly in the present, would
    have the option of staying on the stove -- that is, would be more capable of
    not reacting reflexively, being more detached,.and that is the only Dynamic
    possibility here. Not that I want to test it :-)

    - Scott

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