Re: MD SOLAQI as pile of garbage.

Date: Fri Jan 30 2004 - 21:57:24 GMT

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD Awareness and Quality"

    Ya' know, ever since Squank started to complain that nobody was reading his contribution to the Forum, the clearer a certain picture of Squank became to me:

    Despite all his protests about many here (particulary me, Bo, and John Beasley) that we are only interested in social honors, it would seem that Squank is the one who is pouting because his ideas aren't catching on.

    Bo, at least, is creating some interest, saying things that get people to think about Pirsig, whether or not they end up thinking Bo is wrong or not. I think this has tremendous merit, particularly on a forum where we are supposed to be discussing Pirsig's writings, not sticking to a syllabus.

    I thank people like Bo, John B., Sam, and Scott for coming on and saying provocative things, for stirring the kettle, for taking an idea, an interpretation, and running with it, pushing it to see where it goes.

    I certainly don't slap them with a ruler, which is what Squank seems to be doing, despite saying that it is others who are at the front of the class with the ruler.


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