Re: MD An atheistic system?

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 06:23:57 GMT

  • Next message: "RE: MD Objectivity, Truth, MOQ and Skyscrapers"


    DMB:The religious beliefs subscribed to by the majority of Americans
    is, and I say this without exaggeration, childish and idiotic.

    -=*POOT*=- Yes. I consider peoples fanatical beliefs in the dogmatic
    of religion, be it christianity, islam, or what not to be silly. I consider
    concepts such
    as 'creationism' to be idiotic.

    As has been said, if you don't take it too literally, there is much
    interesting things
    to find, and that are useful in day-to-day life. An example of this, would
    the pacifistic nature of christianity. Jesus was a pacifist. YET, we have
    such as George Bush, who, by any stretch of the imagination are nothing
    close .
    This has been going on , since the Romans times (300ad?)

    I had an interesting conversation with my ex-girlfriend, who happens to' be
    a 'Jehovas Witness.
    She basically takes the bible literally, as 'the word of god'. My
    'argument' was(taking the position that there is 'god)
    that the bible is just various peoples interpretations of god, not the
    actual words of god himself.
    I said that since it is the interpretations of what god meant, then it is
    bound to have been skewed
    *(by each persons static life history of experiences)

    I agree with Dave, when he says that a 'non-theistic' system is 'better'.
    If you subtract the dogmas,
    associated with scriptures of various religions.

    Example: Thou Shalt Not Kill

    Dogmatic: If you kill someone, then you will be punished by god, and go to
    Non-Dogmatic: Killing someone is morally incorrect. Killing does not solve
    any problems, provide any answers.
    It only causes pain, suffering, and grief for others. You have no right to
    take the life of another.

    The difference betweent the two? The Dogmatic view is basically : Don't do
    this , or you'll be punished!
    If you take the un-dogmatic view: You shouldn't do it, regardless of whether
    you'll be punished, on the basis that it is

    I think that if you take the atheistic view, then you automatically discount
    all that has been said in various scriptures,
    even if it is valuable.


    Matt Poot

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