MD (no subject)

Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 00:37:16 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD The Dynamic/Static resolution."

     But what if "trash can music" effects a person unlike any Mozart music ever
    would? Does that make this person "less"?

    not at all, if you would like my opinion. it was said that everyone has a
    different store of analogues and therefore experiences quality differently.
    besides, who's to say "trascan music" doesn't have more "quality" than Mozart? i'd
    say it's certainly much more original. take john cage, for example. but i
    think this kind of goes to back the discussion about "which religion is the best",
    about which my input was that we needn't rank everything. music, and art in
    general, may be one of those things. whose to say if Bach is better than Cage?
    what's the criteria?


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