Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence in random events.

Date: Sat Mar 06 2004 - 01:54:56 GMT

  • Next message: Matthew Poot: "Re: MD Speaking of musical excellence"

    Perhaps my words get tangled a bit, but I completely understand the feeling
    of what your words are trying to depict.
    This has also been a ..short time... of various realisations, and decisions
    based on these realisations... for myself. One of the most striking examples I
    can remember, happened at work tonight. An important focus in cooking today,
    is not to make things on the plate look as if they were placed there by man,
    or you could say...over-manipulated. Now, I don't always agree with this, but
    in many cases it is good.
    Tonight, i was making various dishes, and attempted to have less of a placed
    look. So instead of placing them (various food objects) on the plate one by
    one, I just sort of dumped (not a very pretty sounding word) it there. But
    what an effect! It turned out excellently and beautifully on many occasions!
    Height, balance, and imbalance. Proportion, and improportion. Tension,

    Mark 6-03-04: Hi Matt, I understand the term dumped does not sound pretty,
    but i feel Jackson Pollock may have something to say here:
    When I am in my painting, I'm not aware of what I'm doing. It's only after a
    sort of "get acquainted" period that I see what I have been about. I have no
    fears about making changes, destroying the image, etc., because the painting
    has a life of its own.
    - quoted in Possibilities I, Winter 1947-48

    The placing of this specific dish looked good, and I called it "Dynamic

    Mark 6-03-04: DQ in the sense that a master butcher may describe the way?
    You talk about things which make up the ambience in which we live in. These
    are very important to me, as they are to you, and many people here and there,
    everywhere. These are like the desert from which we choose our pile of sand
    that is our own universe of experience and understanding.

    Mark 6-03-04: Indeed. I can see you feel immediate experience is most
    important. Thankfully, our pile of sand is has revealed to us a Static/Dynamic
    relationship which is everywhere, no matter how we conceptualise.
    I think that , perhaps, when we focus on these seemingly unimportant details,
    it is like looking at the desert around you, instead of the grains of sand in
    your pile.
    Sometimes I like to sit in the very comfortable 'reading ' chairs that are in
    the lobby of the hotel at which I work (the Royal York Hotel). You can hear
    the constant chatter of people. but you never focus on that. I just sit
    there, and think of nothing in particular, sometimes staring into 'nothing' for
     I like this. I don't know why.
    Matt Poot

    Mark 6-03-04: You find a quality relationship when you sit and listen to the
    distant hum of humanity? I suggest we have here SQ-SQ patterns in a coherent
    relationship which is open to DQ.

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