MD Help wanted : Tree-Cutting

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Wed Mar 17 2004 - 02:46:38 GMT

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD Definition of 'liberal'"

    Hello all MoQers,

    I was trying to explain the role of coherence, and just exactly what SQ
    and DQ are to my friend. I asked him for an example, of what he
    thought coherence is.

    I would like some help, as to finding the best solution , or answer to
    provide him with, concerning his statement.

    Here it is:

    if i were to cut down a tree, i would eventually find ways as i go along
    to cut it down quicker, or find out which way i were to want to make it
    fall, etc.. little things like that... DQ and for SQ, i would just do
    the same thing over and over until the tree falls thinking to just get
    it done, or thinking temporarily like im not going to cut another tree

    not the best example but whatever lets say im putting static quality
    into giving you an example

    Poot: What are your comments for this? I would greatly appreciate it.


    Matt Poot

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