Re: MD quality religion

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sun Mar 21 2004 - 11:57:35 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD quality religion"

    Hi DMB, Don, anyone interested

    > dmb says:
    > These quotes should make it clear that DQ is "associated with" and
    > "indentified with" religious mysticism. And I think that if we qualify the
    > meaning of God to reflect a mystical One rather than any static
    > representations, then we can safely say that God and DQ are terms that both
    > refer to the same thing.

    I think this is the missing link in the reply I've been working on for your MF topic. More on that
    in that forum...

    But in the meantime I thought I'd respond to this (again....):

    dmb said -
    > I'd be quite surprized to find mysticism in any Christian
    > church. I might even join it if I thought it were true.

    Don replied:
    There history of more than 2000 years of mysticism in the Christian
    tradition, particularly in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Christian
    churches. What do you think, all churches are social clubs? I'll expect to
    see you at Mass tomorrow.

    dmb says:
    OK. Now that's three religious guys who simply assert that its so. C'mon
    guys! That's not a discussion, an explanation, an example or anything. Tell
    me about. (I've been to Mass and can assure you that it was NOT a mystical
    experience for me, or apparently anyone else in the room. Wim, Sam and now
    you have only teased me with vague assertions. Everyone seems to agree in
    principle, but is mysteriously reluctant to come up with the goods. Again,
    for God's sake, if there is a church that reliably precipitates a mystical
    experience in it's members please, Please, PLEASE tell me about it. What is
    it called? How does it work? Where is it? How long is the waiting list to
    get in?

    Seriously, gents. Make the case. You've practically promised it. Wim even
    started the thread and agreed on the mystical standard of measure.

    As I understand it, you need faith for the Mass to be mystical. You have no faith, ergo, it is not
    mystical for you. You also equate mysticism with religious experience, which is a Modern (SOMish)
    mistake. Don, if you're interested, DMB and I have been around this particular block a few times
    before. Have a look in the archives at, for example, the 'MD Traditions of mysticism' thread in
    November 2002. It was good to see somebody else acknowledging that mysticism has a place in the
    Christian tradition!!

    As for 'making the case' - that'll have to wait for a bit longer. Life is hectic.


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