RE: MD quality religion (Christianity)

From: storeyd (
Date: Fri May 14 2004 - 04:28:59 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    Hey all:

    Platt wrote:
    >Again, I don't think irrational thinking belongs in the fourth level,
    >Wilber notwithstanding. As for Wilber's 'post-rational thinking," that' s
    >just pie-in-the-sky stuff where we all sit in a circle, hold hands and
    >sing Kum By Ya to celebrate a New Age religion, no different in spirit
    >that "Jesus loves me, yes I know, because the bible (or in Wilber's case,
    >mystic meditation) tells me so."

    Let me try to but in hear and defend Wilber. First of all, let's get straight
    what we mean by "irrationality"; properly speaking, irrationality is not a
    possiblity until one has already reached, become habituated in, and mastered
    rational cognition--perspectival reason, capable of abstract, logical
    thinking, forming conceptual rules etc.; also, a rational person is capable of
    reading a story allegorically/symbollically. that is, they can read between
    the lines. now, someone who a rational being at the intellectual level deems
    a person who is still stuck in literalism "irrational" is correct only in a
    relative sense. it is more correct to say that the latter person is
    pre-rational...they have simply not yet evolved to that level of cognition.
    likewise, the rational person himself never totally cuts his ties to the lower
    levels, and, as we all know, has fits of irrationality (but not
    pre-rationality, because he has already transcended that level).

        However, and most importantly, someone at the
    rational/symbolic/intellectual level is at an even greater danger than someone
    on the lower levels because he can act against them. Pirsig goes into great
    detail about this, when he rips on nasty, lefty intellectuals who castigate
    anything social, communal, traditional, normal, etc. so we might want to call
    this, as Wilber does, a pathology of rationality; and furthermore, that the
    more levels on which you move, the more ways you can get
    irrationally is REALLY about one level trying to dominate the other levels.
    So Platt, I was trying to show how the important difference between
    pre-rational and irrational gets around your quip that "irrationality" does
    not belong on the 4th level. it's not the primitive tribesman's fault that he
    can't do long division, it is merely that the selection pressures forming his
    consciousness don't push for that, nor should they. also, i want to point out
    how the lower levels are not "stupid," merely at a lower of development.

    Platt also wrote:
    As for Wilber's 'post-rational thinking," that' s
    >just pie-in-the-sky stuff where we all sit in a circle, hold hands and
    >sing Kum By Ya to celebrate a New Age religion, no different in spirit
    >that "Jesus loves me, yes I know, because the bible (or in Wilber's case,
    >mystic meditation) tells me so."

    Platt, I would like to know, on what grounds you are lambasting Wilber's
    post-rational thinking? first of all, i think we should realize that, by
    virtue of our discussion, we are already engaging in it, whether we admit it
    or not. why? because we're abstracting another level, talking about the
    limits of rationality itself. it other words, you're not only a subject
    percieving an object, but a subject objectifying your own subjectivity
    (respectively, monological reason and dialogical/dialectical reason, which are
    both subsets of "perspectival reason").
    Second, pirsig's whole project is really about post-rational thinking, as you
    call it. we need to get something clear: post-rational does not mean
    irrational, or contra-rational...all it means are experiences/modes of
    thinking that are beyond the symolic/conceptual order of logical reasoning, in
    which the limitation/partiality of those concepts is grasped (but NOT
    negated!)...see, the virtue of post-rational thinking (what Wilber calls
    network-logic, or integral-aperspectival) is that it recognizes that all the
    levels have reasons of their own, and that all levels are important, but
    limited, and of course, some are more limited than others. Of course, this is
    exactly what pirsig's levels are all about.

    as for your remark about wilber's post-rational thinking being a new age swan
    song, your critique is not even levelled at the correct level of experience.
    you meant to direct your diatribe at wilber's higher levels of experience,
    psychic, subtle, causal, and nondual mysticism. these are what he calls
    "trans-rational" levels, where it's about direct experience (DQ for us), not
    about any abstraction or systematic reasoning, but beyond all such concepts.
    this is the usual criticism of wilber, and it is deployed for the same reason
    that wilber's books are still misplaced in the "new age", "self-help" sections
    at bookstores. anyone who has read wilber even somewhat critically will be
    familiar with his frequent and devastating attack on the frivility and vacuity
    of New Age theorists...who sit in circles...singing kumbaya (ironically, the
    humor in your comment tastes alot like the way he rips on them!).
    but beneath all this is your obvious skepticism in the validity of mysticism.
    why, on what grounds? see, the rational level becomes very hostile to levels
    either above or below, which is one of the reasons we're stuck in a rut in
    Iraq right now....
    but i just wanted to get one point straight: it's not about "rationality vs.
    irrationaly", but "pre-rationality, rationality, and transrationality", with
    each of those levels having healhty and unhealthy manifestations.
    -Dave S.

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