RE: MD quality religion (Christianity)

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat May 15 2004 - 05:09:58 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    All Daves and MOQers:

    Dave S said:
    ...the virtue of post-rational thinking that it recognizes that all the

    levels have reasons of their own, and that all levels are important, but
    limited, and of course, some are more limited than others. Of course, this
    exactly what pirsig's levels are all about.

    dmb says:
    Right. And the moral codes recognize the limitations of each level. They
    give us an idea of each level's "juristiction", if you will.

    I'd like to make just one simple point on the matter of "irrationality". I
    think its analogous to the way we use the word "irresponsible". We don't say
    babies are irresponsible for the same reason that we don't say pre-modern
    people are irrational. Non-rational would be ok, but pre-rational is much
    more correct. A person can't be responsible until they've achieved a certain
    level of maturity. When a person fails AFTER becoming capable of
    responsibility, then we call him irresponsible. So it is with irrational
    beliefs. Most of the people who hold them are perfectly capable of being
    rational. Think of creationism, for example. The most astonishing mental
    gymnastics are preformed in our to dress up the myth in all kinds of fancy
    intellectual clothes.

    Irrationality is a certain kind of dishonesty, a certain kind of cheating
    and lying.


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