RE: MD "biological" crime

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 03:28:53 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "RE: MD "biological" crime"

    Alicia, Platt, Davids B and M, Joe....

    AD asked:
    is all crime biological?

    msh replied:
    In the strictest sense of the MoQ, yes, all crime is biological, IMO.
    But, remember, this has nothing to do with whether or not the "crime"
    is recognized as such by any given society...

    dmb chimes in too:
    I disagree for reasons explained above, among others. To be more
    precise, when the laws of society...

    msh say:
    Man, I HATE it when people disagree with me. But, if interested, see
    my exchange with Joe Maury on this issue. No big deal.

    dmb continues:
    Or take the case of terrorism. Here we have real world examples of
    people overcoming the will to survive in order to further social
    goals. Those goals might not be my cup of tea, but it seems clear to
    me that biological pleasure is not really the motive. (Yea, I know.
    72 virgins and all that. Let's say ghost nookie doesn't count.)

    msh says:
    I take your point, and probably agree, but I don't think it's so far
    fetched for people who believe they will be rewarded in an afterlife
    to anticipate those pleasures in a biological fashion.

    dmb keeps going:
    Another example hits closer to home. Literally. Throughout my entire
    adult lifetime the religious right has conducted a low-grade war of
    terror. Gay bars and medical clinics where abortions are performed
    have been bombed, set on fire and shot up. Abortion doctors have been
    shot and gay people have been beaten to death. If all these acts
    where gathered up from every corner of the country and the last 20
    years were compressed into a more perceptible span of time, say six
    months or a year, it would look like what it really is; a war against
    secular society. And these crimes are motivated by social values,
    particularly church morals. That's crime. That's terrorism. And its
    not biological.

    msh says:
    I think there's a bio factor here, too. Fame, or infamy, power and
    prestige, leadership, literal and symbolic martyrdom, a wonderful,
    richly rewarded afterlife, all of these things bring to these whackos
    a rich sense of pleasure. But, honestly, your argument is so well-
    written and poignant that I'll concede just out of admiration.

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