Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Tue May 25 2004 - 05:35:41 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)"

    On 24 May 2004 at 23:15, Wim Nusselder wrote:

    The problem is, that IF 59% or 123 million
    adult Americans believe Revelations to be literally true, they MAY
    believe (according to the newspaper article that mentioned this 59%
    statistic) that destabilizing the Middle East will speed up their
    Ascension and support a foreign policy that isn't exactly in the
    global public interest.

    msh says:
    Wim, relax. The folks running things over here are in no way
    irrational. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, and what they are
    doing is enriching themselves and their families for generations to
    come. They nod, and wink, and make concessions to the whacky
    religious right because they see there a powerful voting base. But
    they would no more turn the reins of power over to, say, Jerry
    Falwell than they would to Ralph Nader or Noam Chomsky. It's true
    that their foreign policy isn't in the global public interest, it
    never has been, but this doesn't mean they are doing what they do to
    speed their own ballistic accelerations into heaven. They plan on
    being around for a long, long time; and I believe it is a very grave
    mistake to underestimate them

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