Re: MD Mussolini: Splendid chap.

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 01:21:25 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD (no subject)"

    Hi Mark M,

    > Hi Platt,
    > You very seriously need to begin reading 'Deterring democracy' by Noam
    > Chomsky. For example, are you aware how much the American government
    > approved of Mussolini when he came to power? Mussolini was described as, "a
    > splendid chap."

    By whom?

    > Mussolini was supported, as was Hitler, and both described
    > as 'moderates' by the US government of the time. This is a matter of
    > congressional record. It is there in black and white.

    The congressional record reports what is said in Congress. The
    Administration, a separate branch of government in case you didn't know,
    is responsible for U.S. foreign policy. Congressmen are always flapping
    their gums about this and that. But they don't make policy.

    > This stance changed considerably, as we both know. But what i wish for you
    > to understand is this: If the US government's officially declared position
    > is researched prior to the beginning of World war 2, it is a matter of
    > official documentation that the US preferred fascism to democracy in Italy
    > and Germany.

    That my friend is just absolute nonsense.

    > If you consult a map of Europe, you will note that England and
    > France are in close proximity to Germany and Italy. It was England and
    > France who had to deal with fascism on their doorstep, and not the US, who
    > supported fascism as a matter of official record.

    Not only is this false, but it bears no relevance to the Americans who
    died to defeat the Axis in WWII. Why do you attempt to belittle what the
    U.S. did to free Europe from the Fascist and Communist boots? Maybe you
    and Chomsky ought to the concentration camps and look long and hard at
    those ovens.

    > Please educate yourself to the facts Platt?

    By reading Chomsky's skewed version of history? No thanks.

    > You may do this a number of ways; the best way would be for you to research
    > the congretional archives and disprove Noam Chomsky.

    You are making the claims. You do the research.

    > By the way, Sadham Hussien was also described as a middle Eastern
    > 'moderate' when it suited the US in the 80's. (About the time he was being
    > armed with nerve gas by Donald Rumsfeld.)

    Another unsubstantiated claim. Next you'll be telling me that Michael
    Moore is a reliable source.

    Anyway, what has all this to do with the MOQ? Perhaps your time would be
    better spent reading Lila again.


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