Re: The U.S. and WWII [was Re: MD Mussolini: Splendid chap.]

From: Leland Jory (
Date: Thu Jun 03 2004 - 20:22:40 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Noam Chomsky"

    On Jun 3, 2004, at 12:31, wrote:

    > In a message dated 6/3/2004 8:21:59 AM Central Standard Time,
    > writes:
    >> Now, the US did do great things to aid in the removal of Fascist
    >> dictators once they became involved, but my feeling is their
    >> contribution was a grudging one that only came because their pride was
    >> wounded in that December 7th sneak attack.
    > Unlike in Iraq, where the US didn't wait to be attacked, and did a
    > great thing by removing a tyrant dictator.
    > -Jon

    I think you're mistaken, Jon. The fact is the (rather specious)
    argument by the US for invading Iraq in the first place was due to
    9/11, so they did wait until attacked. However, events since 9/11 have
    shown that the US was either completely deluded into thinking Hussein
    had anything to do with 9/11, or 9/11 was simply used as a smokescreen
    to obscure the real reason for invading.

    The fact is, the rhetoric has been spewing so voluminously from George
    W's mouth that it's hard to keep the story straight. "The US invaded
    Iraq because of 9/11. Er, no.. because of WMDs. What's that? There are
    not WMDs? OK, it was to unseat a vicious tyrant who killed many
    innocent Iraqi citizens. Oh, oops. We've killed a bunch during the
    invasion, haven't we? Er.... OK! IT'S FOR THE OIL! THE OIL, I TELL
    YOU!!" Seriously, I don't know what the actual story is because no one
    is saying.

    This saga has sunk to an all new low (and this goes to show how far
    from experiencing DQ Dubya is, to keep this nominally on topic) since
    George likened the current Iraqi conflict to World War II. Now, I'm not
    a proponent of war at the best of times, but even I will admit WWII was
    a righteous war. Hitler, once the sheep's clothing came off, became a
    threat to society on a global scale and society was obligated to
    nullify the threat. However (and Platt may disagree here), it was a
    global effort, no one "team" deserves any more respect than any of the

    Operation "Iraqi Freedom" (man, what a lame code-name. Even "Desert
    Storm" was better) is not a righteous war, since Saddam Hussein was, at
    most, a threat to his own people and possibly some surrounding
    territories. He was no Hitler. True, he was a bad guy who did bad
    things, and he deserved to suffer consequences for his actions, but
    wholesale invasion as a means didn't justify the end. Unfortunately, no
    country is willing to let the UN become the organization it needs to
    become in this time of a "Global village", especially not the US
    (because the US answers to no one). If the UN had the power that it
    should have on a global scale, then this farcical war would never have
    happened and Hussein could have been taken out of power in a more
    (ironically) democratic fashion.

    Leland Jory :^{)>
    Cafeteria Spiritualist and Philosopher
    "It is a puzzling thing. The truth knocks on the door and you say, 'Go 
    away, I'm looking for the truth.' and so it goes away. Puzzling." - 
    Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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