Re: MD a nihilist

Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 02:07:31 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Ronald Reagan"

    Hi Mark M, and all,

    Great post, Mark. And well written, though I think you tend to
    overdo the question mark affect, just a little. I feel the same way
    about the IMOs and the I thinks we all use in order to sound, what,
    less confrontational? It's ALL just opinion, as we should
    understand, I hope. The question is, is it opinion supported by
    evidence and argument?

    Your point about Chomsky is right on, or is it "spot on"? ;-) And
    the same can be said about many other writers who are critical of
    their country's foreign and domestic policy. When such people are all
    but excluded from the commercial media, a serious moral crime is
    being committed, as the social level is overriding the intellectual.

    Anyway, I agree that there is no room for nihilism in the MOQ, but
    would be interested to hear different opinions on this.

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    Hi Mark H,
    Yes, i have been told that my liberal use of the question mark makes me sound
    as if i am using Australian Question Intonation all the time. I must stop it?

    Chomsky contemplates if there will ever be an 'honest account' of what has
    happened in South America under the Reagan admin. (DD ch. 2).
    I feel it is imperative that this, and many other aspects, be dragged clean
    out into the open. I am sure you feel the same way.
    It's going to disturb those who do not wish for it to be so, but to turn
    one's gaze away from the evidence is to be complicit in the promotion of low
    Quality patterns.

    I shall do what i can to help.
    I'm chewing over one or two ideas regarding an MOQ analysis of Chomsky's
    work. But i feel need to do some more reading.
    It's good to see that you are making a good application of the MOQ yourself -
    please keep it up.

    All the best,

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