Re: MD Mussolini: Splendid chap.

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Jun 09 2004 - 14:56:28 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Ronald Reagan"

    On 8 Jun 2004 at 4:00, wrote:
    The critiques of polling may be valid, but this might be a little off
    the mark. I have extensive contact with people in Basra, and the one
    thing they do have now is free speech, especially when it comes to
    criticizing the occupation.

    msh says:
    This may be true. I'd be interested in knowing more about your
    contacts. The point is, that if we look hard enough, any of us can
    come up with contacts, sources, polls to support our points of view.
    Just watch Al Jazeera, rather than CNN.

    Anyway, talk of polls, though interesting, is a digression from the
    primary point of contention. NONE of us are saying that Iraq will
    not be better off without Saddam. What we are protesting is the
    false justifications for, and brutal means of, removing the dictator,
    a means TOTALLY at odds with world opinion. My claim is that other
    less extreme means were available, and were ignored. And even if
    invasion was the only answer... Well, Adam put it beautifully:

    "Personally, what concerns me is not so much that Iraq was invaded,
    but that it was done outside of the UN framework, and as such sets a
    dangerous precedent. The UN is far from perfect, but it's still the
    closest thing (albeit, not very) to global democracy. ... So if
    Saddam (and he was) was a dictator who imposed his will without the
    consent of the people, what is the US doing on an International
    scale? The same thing it seems to me. ... Ever heard
    of the 'Project for a New American Century'? Google it for more
    info, they are having it all their way.. Scary.. I would rather live
    in a world governed by a democratic body of nations, than by PFNAC's
    'American Leadership'.."

    Best to all,
    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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