RE: MD MOQ and The Fall of The Evil Empire

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Mon Jun 14 2004 - 02:06:10 BST

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    MSH, Horse, and all y'all:

    Horse wrote:
    I think that Reagan, Thatcher and Kohl were little more than bit
    players in the events of the late 80's with regard to the USSR. Along
    with Reagan and the majority of other 'world leaders' at the time
    they were just carrying on the same old same old. The military build
    up by the US and Europe, increasing the number of Nukes to insane
    levels, conflict by proxy etc....

    dmb says:
    I heard a most remarkable thing last night on C-Span. (A cable channel
    devoted to covering government and related issues.) The spy novelist Tom
    Clancey, of all people, was about the only one who saw it coming. (I know,
    he's not the most scholorly voice in the world and I'd be very skeptical if
    I hadn't heard it myself.) Anyway, when he heard that Gorbachev had
    cancelled history exams in schools througout the empire because "there is no
    sense in testing their knowledge of lies" Clancey called his favorite
    reporter and asked him to check it out. He called back an hour later and
    varified the story. Both men agreed that it meant the beginning of the end.
    But even more interesting were his comments about who pushed the Soviets,
    who really deserves credit. He said it all sounds like one of his spy
    novels, except that its not fiction. He claimed that a set a classified
    documents proves that it was actually the Saudis and the Pope who done 'em
    in. Clancey said says that this documents would not be declassified for 20
    more years and lamented the fact that he expects there to be book after book
    giving credit to Reagan and all we can do about it is wait 20 years for the
    truth to come out. Apparently, the Soviets were entirely dependant upon oil
    sales for their hard currency and so it was the manipulation of prices,
    beginning in the 1970's, that really busted them financially. And the Pope,
    working through the churches and such, lent support to the Solidarity
    movement and others like it, as Horse rightly describes...

    Horse said:
    Walesa's role in the Polish trade union Solidarity (which he helped
    to found and was the first independent trade union in the Soviet
    bloc) was crucial in bringing about strikes and civil unrest which
    led directly to the toppling of Jaruzelski's government. Which in
    turn led to the creation of a non-communist Polish government - a not
    inconsiderable feat. ..This was to be repeated in different regions
    throughout the Soviet Union and it is this which directly caused the
    fall of communism.

    Horse said:
    So bury the tribal elders (Reagan, Thatcher et. al.) with all the
    Social level ceremony they deserve then forget them, 'cause if you're
    looking for a couple of true Brujo's then look no further than Walesa
    and Gorbachev. These two brought about the sort of change within
    their (and our) societies unseen for many years.

    dmb replies:
    Joseph Campbell explained the myths behind that kind of funeral service
    (after Kennedy was shot) and it really blew my mind. Its very, very old even
    if the TV coverage is new. I found the whole thing to be quite fascinating.
    The entire week turned out to be a advertising campaign for the republican
    party, but the ritual itself is really quite rich in meaning. Basically we
    watched a man become a god. And to many Americans, he was. He offered a
    comfortable and simple kind of "truth" that came as a relief to those who
    were disturbed by the war in Vietnam, the hippies and protesters, the race
    riots and the Watergate scandal. His ascent to power represented the USA
    falling back to the last static latch, back to Victorianism and the like.
    His was a social level life and so its only fitting that he got a social
    level send off to comfort his social level fans.


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