MD immoral irony?????

Date: Fri Jun 25 2004 - 11:38:45 BST

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    > From:
    > Isn't this entire post supposed to be about Quality? Dynamic and static?
    > ...we (or you guys) are sitting there chewing this guy out for having some sort
    > of Dynamic Quality that you static-latchers find unpleasant (i'm not in any
    > way trying to insult you)?? what about the zuni and the brujo Pirsig mentions?

    Dear MBSJ79 (Looking at your initials, are you that white person Michael Jackson, by any chance?)

    The Zuni brujo example in LILA is designed to highlight the difference between biologcal based degenerates like Vogel (who are anti-progressive by leading us back into eighteenth century ideas about "race") and intellectually based radicals such as the brujo (who are progressive).

    The quality that Vogel displays is therefore not Dynamic but based on a static latch which has now been largely discredited. No doubt it will appear here and there in the weaker minded members of the human race over the next few centuries but its basically had its day.

    Though 2004 is a little premature, I say Goodbye & good riddance.

    > hear the guy out. maybe he has something to say.

    To be fair, I think we've given more than enough airing for Vogel's racist views already. He's upset a number of the more Dynamic contributors to this Forum (such as Rick), he's not prepared to have a proper intellectual discussion with Mark Heyman, address issues concerning his own bannings on other forums, his association with the Pioneer Fund or the legal actions being taken against his mentor J. Phillipe Rushton. As such, that's the end of the "conversation" as far as I am concerned.

    Finally, to ask if it would make any difference if he was black or white, is to presume that there is a definitive differentiation that can be made on that basis. There isn't; the only proper answer to whether someone is black or white biologically is "mu" because, strictly speaking, it's a nonsensical question to ask in the first place.

    Best wishes,



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    Isn't this entire post supposed to be about Quality? Dynamic and static? Moral evolution of static qulaity toward Dynamic whatever you want to call it? and we (or you guys) are sitting there chewing this guy out for having some sort of Dynamic Quality that you static-latchers find unpleasant (i'm not in any way trying to insult you)?? what about the zuni and the brujo Pirsig mentions? he was a radical, considered at the time extreme. hear the guy out. maybe he has something to say.

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