Re: [Spam] Re: [Spam] RE: MD immoral irony?????

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 15:48:43 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD immoral irony?????"

    Hey all,

    On 28 Jun 2004 at 0:24, Dan Glover wrote:

    I see the Pirsig quote (thanks dmb) as evidence that cultural
    >patterns, like race, are not a part of biological patterns at all,
    >more that software is part of a computer. That is, in the MOQ, race
    >doesn't exist at the biological level, AT ALL.

    Hi Mark

    If you read the LILA quote offered by dmb again you may notice RMP is
    talking about "racism" and not race. Big, big difference my boys.
    Could you please offer a quote from LILA that says race doesn't exist
    in the MOQ? I'm not aware of one. This quote we're discussing doesn't
    support that thesis. As always, IMO.

    msh says:
    Well, it's not a big difference, I think. But I guess what I'm
    saying is that the BVPs that make up genetic differences between
    individuals are not interpreted as "racial differences" except by
    SVPs. That is, without SVPs "race" doesn't appear to be part of the
    bio level.

    I think this is what Horse is saying too, so I'll take whatever you
    say to him as your response.

    I'm not arguing against you here. I merely said society's concept is
    a social pattern of value in the MOQ and as such is subjective. Dmb I
    can understand disagreeing with me but I'm not sure why you don't see
    what I'm writing.

    msh says:
    Just being cantankerous, and picky. It's led to several divorces.

    Also, you didn't hurt my feelings re the thought experiment. I'm
    just sorry you didn't find it helpful.

    BTW, do you remember that Monty Python script about the World
    Championship of Hide and Seek? Contestants had several days to hide,
    and could go anywhere in the world. I was ROFL.

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