Re: MD immoral irony?????

From: Dan Glover (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 18:34:19 BST

  • Next message: Matt poot: "Re: MD The Final Cut"

    Hello everyone

    >From: "Horse" <>
    >Subject: Re: MD immoral irony?????
    >Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 01:05:45 +0100
    >Hi Dan
    >On 27 Jun 2004 at 2:09, Dan Glover wrote:
    > > Hi Horse
    > >
    > > According to "race" comes from Old Italian "razza" which
    > > means "lineage." Where did we come from? Certainly there's nothing
    > > in asking that. It's simply biology and something no one can change.
    > > becomes offensive when we do as you say and begin catagorizing according
    > > skin color, I agree. That we can change.
    >As I said in another post at the biological level there are only biological
    >patterns of value
    >and there is not a race, gene or chromosone in sight.
    >Race appears to be a social level phenomenom - but, as Rog used to say, I
    >could be
    >My question would be how does race manifest itself at the biological level
    >in the
    >absence of either a social or intellectual level.

    Hi Horse

    In reading RMP's Subjects, Objects, Data and Values paper I see where he
    says that the senses are the starting point of reality, not the social or
    intellectual levels. Also, in LILA'S CHILD, Mr. Pirsig defines life as
    "matter that is being configured by DNA." (Thank you to Struan Hellier for
    suggesting this change, which Mr. Pirsig agrees with.) So I assume DNA is a
    biological pattern of value. I'm not sure why genes and chromosones aren't
    also biological patterns. Could you expand on this a little futher please.

    Thank you


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