MD SQ-SQ tension in Human relationships (again). II

Date: Thu Jul 01 2004 - 18:54:51 BST

  • Next message: Horse: "MD List Matters"

    Part II.

    I feel the wife's strategy may be open to SQ-SQ interpretation. If we begin
    with the assumption that there exists the potential for all patterns to attain
    exceptional SQ-SQ coherence, then lesser degrees of coherence may be stable
    and open to examination also.
    So how do the people in the above relationship stand in SQ-SQ terms?

    In order for a perpetual feeling of uncertainty to remain stable, i would
    suggest there to be an exceptional balance between certainty and doubt which is
    exploited as that precise point where manipulation of social and biological
    patterns is most easily directed.

    Protestants, including his own wife, tend to take more heed of their own
    consciences when coming to moral decisions.

    If one balances a symmetrical 2 Ton, 10 feet long metal pipe precisely on its
    mid point with a razor blade, one would have no trouble directing the mass
    with one's little finger. Thus, large forces may be brought to bare with grace
    and virtuosity.
    In the social analogue of our inorganic mass, may not relationships settle in
    a well balanced coherent state where DQ may be thought of as the pivotal
    driving force between the sum total of patterns?

    Mark 1-7-04: The male relative is more Dynamic and less open to imposed
    social patterns than his wife. In order for his Dynamic self determination to be
    coerced she performs a dance of certainty/uncertainty which he cannot pattern in
    any meaningful way. More often than not, the male relative is lead to value
    pleasing his wife as an indication of his love for her. Thus, her social
    patterns are promoted and he feels he is doing the best thing as determined by his
    own values.

    This lead me to contemplate the roll of Human intelligence? For the most
    part, manipulation required for perpetual uncertainty may not be hard wired and
    instinctive. But over time, reflection upon patterns of instinctive social
    patterns may produce a static repertoire of intellectual symbols of pragmatically
    learned 'best results' which may allow intelligent enquiry into more
    sophisticated shading of social strategies?

    Thus, we may have here the beginnings of a method with which to explore
    healthy relationships which evolve into ever more coherent states - the warm glow
    of two partners sitting on a park bench saying nothing, but understanding

    All the best,

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