MD Mark H's Question re: the metaphysics of free-enterprise

Date: Tue Jul 06 2004 - 01:57:16 BST

  • Next message: "MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise - correction"

    Mark Heyman stated July 4th 2004:

    > And of course, this is the hard part. I believe such a [positive] confluence
    > might have occurred if Ho Chi Minh and the people of Vietnam had been
    > given the US support they asked for in seeking their self-
    > determination after WWII. It might have occurred, later, in Chile,
    > or Nicaragua or El Salvador. It still might occur in Chechyna or
    > Iraq or Tibet, though current events would seem to make this highly
    > unlikely
    > And there's the rub. So, the question for us MOQers is: "What can we
    > do to facilitate the discovery of the sweet spot?" One answer,
    > suggested many times, is to encourage, not impede, the free flow and
    > interaction of IDEAS.

    Ant McWatt comments:

    Good question, Mark.

    I think the partial answer is to not only encourage the free flow and interaction of ideas (as you state) but to develop techniques as found in Buddhist meditation that encourage the right-type (or, as Di Santo & Steele say, high quality) ideas. Of course, this ties in with the eightfold path. Unfortunately, there remains a lot of unenlightened people out there, many of which are in a position of power, so (as I have said previously) this will take a long time to resolve simply because the widespread acceptance of MOQ/Buddhist ideas will take a long time. However, texts such as ZMM or LILA can only be helpful in this regard. I must admit I am considering sending copies of these to Tony Blair or possibly someone a little less lower in the British government hierarchy who would take more notice of such a “gift”. Maybe what everyone on the list should do is send a copy of ZMM to their local MP/Senator!

    Though there has been retrograde policies in the States (as alluded to by Mark) towards countries such as Chile, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chechnya, Iraq etc., conversely, because the USA tends to be a Dynamic place for establishing new ideas (for instance, the West Coast had the fastest rate of sales for ZMM in the world), it could also be the first Western country shipping out Zen Buddhists in mass rather than soldiers! I certainly see such developments happening in the States faster than a more static orientated country such as China so, ironically, Tibet could become the world’s last colony.

    Best wishes,


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