RE: MD Anti-theism in the MOQ

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Mon Jul 26 2004 - 11:52:25 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Hi David

    DMB quoted Wilber:
    "the core of the perennial philosophy is the view that reality is
    composed of various LEVELS OF EXISTENCE - levels of being and knowing -
    ranging from matter to body to mind to soul to spirit. Each senior
    dimension transcends but includes its juniors, so that this is a
    conception of wholes within wholes within wholes indefinitely, reaching
    from dirt to divinity."

    I haven't read any Wilber but I've seen the phrase "transcend and
    include" used many times when Wilber's levels are mentioned on this
    forum. I'm not sure but I don't think this particular idea maps across
    to Pirsig. In his letter regarding the intellectual level, Pirsig wrote:

    "Just as every biological pattern is also inorganic, but not all
    inorganic patterns are biological; and just as every social [pattern] is
    also biological, although not all biological patterns are social; so
    every intellectual pattern is social although not all social patterns
    are intellectual."

    So, although each level of patterns can be said to "transcend" the level
    below, it is difficult to see how it can be said to "include" the whole
    of it. If it did, all inorganic patterns would also be biological; all
    biological patterns would also be social and so on.

    As said, I haven't read any Wilber other than that which has been posted
    here so I may have missed something.



    P.S. Do you remember saying this?

    "I think Paul's assertion that "the MOQ is an atheistic system" goes too
    far. (According to our dear friend, Mr. Webster, "atheism" denies the
    existence of any kind of God or deity, not just "the usual,
    anthropomorphic" kind.) Since, in the MOQ, DQ is associated so closely
    with religious mysticism, it can't rightly be called an atheistic
    system." Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 18:49:18 GMT

    I think you now have the context in which to understand my statement
    that the MOQ is an atheistic system.


    I think when Mark says, "Thanks for a great post rejecting Ken Wilber's
    half baked approach to philosophy," he is picking up on the contrasting
    views of Pirsig and Wilber regarding the philosophical use of the term

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