Re: MD the metaphysics of horses and carts

From: David Morey (
Date: Fri Jul 30 2004 - 11:22:09 BST

  • Next message: David Morey: "Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"


    Johnny said: Do you feel that an individual could come up with an
    pattern from out of the blue? I mean, how come no one invented the jet
    airplane in the bronze age? Why did the propellor plane have to be
    invented first?

    DM: This is the whole basis of the MOQ that we need to grasp.
    Being emerges freely/dynamically out of nothing. Tis creates
    the first level. The second level is made possible by the first
    but adds something new to it. The added and new bit does come
    out of nothing, it adds this to what is there (in terms of SQ patterns)
    to create the new level. When we reach a certain level we begin
    to be able to imagine something new like a jet plane and if we
    are lucky we are also able to bring what is only possible into
    reality and help the jet place to emerge as if our of nothing.
    Sure there are SQ patterns required first before the jet plane
    like the propellor plane but until you actually have a jet plane
    the existence of the jet plane is nothing, but the nothing-reality
    of the Possible is precisely the incredible source of all DQ
    out of Nothing. Any help?

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Paul Turner" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 10:42 AM
    Subject: RE: MD the metaphysics of horses and carts

    > Hi Johnny, Platt
    > Platt said to Paul:
    > To focus on intellect without acknowledging the individual is like
    > putting the cart before the horse, or more appropriately, to eliminate
    > the vital role of the horse altogether....While you emphasize the
    > transcendent nature of of successful intellectual patterns, I emphasize
    > the originator or creator of such patterns.
    > Johnny said:
    > Isn't the orignator Quality? And doesn't the individual have the same
    > role for patterns of every level?
    > Do you feel that an individual could come up with an intellectual
    > pattern from out of the blue? I mean, how come no one invented the jet
    > airplane in the bronze age? Why did the propellor plane have to be
    > invented first?
    > Paul:
    > This is a good observation, Johnny. Platt seems to be taking the SOM
    > view of a primary, independent, thinking individual (the horse) who goes
    > around originating and possessing individual intellectual patterns (the
    > cart) at will. The evolutionary framework of the MOQ shows us that such
    > an individual is neither possible nor metaphysically sound, but is
    > instead a set of patterns that have Dynamically evolved, step by step,
    > from atomic preference to systems of symbolic thought:
    > "It isn't Lila that has quality; it's Quality that has Lila. Nothing can
    > have Quality. To have something is to possess it, and to possess
    > something is to dominate it. Nothing dominates Quality. If there's
    > domination and possession involved, it's Quality that dominates and
    > possesses Lila. She's created by it. She's a cohesion of changing static
    > patterns of this Quality. There isn't any more to her than that. The
    > words Lila uses, the thoughts she thinks, the values she holds, are the
    > end product of three and a half billion years of the history of the
    > entire world. She's a kind of jungle of evolutionary patterns of value.
    > She doesn't know how they all got there any more than any jungle knows
    > how it came to be." [LILA, Ch.11]
    > As such, to continue Platt's analogy - the horse would be (Dynamic)
    > Quality and the cart would be the static patterns.
    > cheers
    > Paul
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