MF Holiday break for the list

From: Horse (
Date: Wed Dec 08 2004 - 00:04:11 GMT

  • Next message: Horse: "MF CALL FOR TOPICS - FEB 2K5"

    Hi MF-ers
    You'll probably have noticed that there has been no Call For Votes post in the last few
    days. This is because there appears to have been a bit of tailing off in participation
    recently and it's probably worth having a short break. To this end the MF list will be
    inactive for 2 months and will restart again at the beginning of February to give
    everyone a chance to think about topics and so on.
    When the list restarts in February it may be a good time to discuss where the members
    want to go with the MF forum. A couple of questions to consider could be:

    If you haven't contributed much, is there a particular reason? (No time/no interest in
    topic/intimidated by environment/other?)


    What would enable you to contribute more (or are you happy with things as they are)?
    (Better topics/no monthly cut-off/stronger editorial policy/ anything else).

    or pretty much anything else relevant to the way the list functions.

    In the meantime have a good Xmas (or whatever else you may celebrate) and see you
    all in the New Year.


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