LS The big NOW and then some.

Bodvar Skutvik (
Thu, 18 Sep 1997 10:41:30 +0100

For Platt:
I join Magnus in his appreciation of your "Say hello to now" poem. Your
romantic approach is a welcome break from our classic "haggling", so was
the earlier rendering of the beach episode. I think I know LILA, but there
is always a new vein to explore. Thank you!

For Hugo:
You are perfectly right in saying that Relativity is no precursor to the
MOQ, my point was merely to compare the difficulties that such radical
paradigm shifts lead to. I have just a fleeting knowledge of Relativity's
many aspects, and you are surely also right that it is Special Relativity
which is used for particle accelerator experiments. I was once very
occupied by Einstein's ideas and tried to fathom the theory behind it, but
am now a bit rusty on it. By the way: Relativity's more exotic sides are
still discussed (Check the web magazine "Metaphysical Review"'s
<> last article about the Twin Paradox). What you
say about seeing Relativity's paradoxes as more SOM platypi is highly
interesting and may keep us going through the (Northern) winter.

For Diana:
Pirsig's quality idea has an Eastern "slant", and he obviously sees the MOQ
as a Western crossover of the famous chasm (Kipling). I am unsure how to
express myself here, but living in Hong Kong, do you have a feeling of an
East/West difference? Well, Pirsig himself gives a "helping" of it in the
RT trail (Page 386 Bantam Press) which ends in the sentence (now that the
nature of a chair is discussed!): ..."A chair for example is not composed
of atoms of substance, it is composed of dharmas", but I think this is too
deep even for the eastern lay person. Also the Kantonese Chinese are rather
pragmatic and more attached to the Confucian part of the Buddhist/Taoist
tradition, than the philosophical Indians. All observations from your side
would be appreciated.


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