LS and Bodvar Query on morals and thanks.

clark (
Fri, 21 Nov 1997 16:20:39 +0100

  Thank you for taking the time to read my musings on my perceived position
in this great mystery. You are correct in saying that it represents a
lifetime of accumulated questions along with a few answers that seemed
satisfactory to me. I am waiting here all "drawed up" for your questions
and objections. I welcome them.
  For those of you who may not have as much patience as Bodvar, if you are
willing to accept that the "Big Bang" resulted in roughly a 75/25 split
between hydrogen and helium, the big bang part can be skipped. Also if you
are willing to accept that the operation of the DNA process results in many
many proteins with unique configurations you can skip that part also. These
explanations get eye-crossingly boring but I felt they were necessary.
  This is not a facetious question. It would ease my path to understanding
Lila if someone could clearly explain to me what Pirsig means when he uses
the term "morals". If he is using the term in the conventional sense I am
driven to the conclusion that the whole history of Humanity on Earth has
been immoral. I await your deliverance. Ken Clark

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