LS Re: Catechism or FAQ

Bodvar Skutvik (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 09:19:52 +0100

Hello Magnus and LS.
Nov.23 you wrote:

> Putting the FAQ aside for a moment, I have to ask you to elaborate
> on this. If the division of inorganic patterns into energy and matter
> is SOM. Isn't the division of organic patterns into plants and animals
> SOM too? I think there's a difference between what is a practical,
> (good, coherent), division and a SOM (bad, ad hoc) division.

An interesting point. You probably did not intend energy to
be opposed to matter in the "immaterial" SOM way , so my
remark was a bit uncalled for. Before relativity - even if E and M
both belonged to physics - energy was something very different from
matter (I suspect it was regarded mind-like), but the E=MC2
have integrated the two in a greater context.

Plant- and animal life within biology have never been
incompatible in this way. They belong to different Kingdoms
admittedly, but isn't it so that the cell structure is identical for
all living things? So plants and animals are different only in the
way they acquire energy (energy again!) and metabolize it. Plus a few
more things: reproduction methods..etc.

That there are sub-levels within the Inorganic Level of MOQ is
for sure (perhaps like the Kingdom, Phylum, Class...!.), but -
again - at this fundamental stage of the FAQ we better keep it
simple. Something you agreed to by accepting my "Universal"


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