LS Re: logic and gravity

Murdock, Mark (Mark.Murdock@Unisys.Com)
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 03:46:33 +0100

I have no objection to quality manifesting as logic, only to logic being
equated with quality.

> There are objects that exhibit stable
> behaviour: I have perceptions that I can only communicate to you by
> referring to as objects. I see my computer standing on top of my
> table, and
> a heap of books and clothes lying around on the floor, etc..
> Some of these stable patterns are what we call objects (tables,
> computers,
> other peoples bodies, books, etc..) and others are like gravity. How
> the
> two kinds differ is not entirely clear to me.
Gravity is a relationship, a value, between objects, patterns of value.
Logic is a relationship, a value, between truths, patterns of value.
Both logic and gravity act upon or relate to stable patterns of value,
things. These things may be symbols or planets, but they are objects
nonetheless. Gravity and logic's value are in their relationship to
other values. These relationships are more like events than objects
themselves, I believe.

So your original point that logic contains no subjects and objects is
more clear. I see your contention now, that logic is the relationship
between subject and objects and not an object itself.

Still, in a subject/object framework, these relationships are treated as
things too, as objects. They have some objective reality. I agree it's
a poor split between self and all that is not-self but it's the cards
we've been dealt in this mythos. Logic and Gravity either fall on the
not-self side or the self side, depending on one's philosophical slant.

Your quandry is an excellent example of how MoQ's "only value is"
framework better models reality. Logic and Gravity are value.

> Then people may call logic eternal and godgiven,
> or just a common condition shared by the human race, but the fact
> remains
> that we cannot do without it.
True, logic is a powerful tool. The problem is that we have come to
believe that we cannot do ANYTHING without it.

Logic is the wrench in our metaphysical toolbox, but Truth is only a
part of a greater reality of Good. And logic will never explain or
capture our fundamental reality. We have to put the toolbox down to
"know." We have to let it go. The ultimate reality is felt. As
Einstein once said, "the Universe is a feeling!"

This is the epiphany of MoQ. It is not just another, better Truth to
describe reality. It abdicates Truth from it's metaphysical rule,
reveals to all that the emperor indeed has no clothes. It's as if a
8.0 earthquake has created a huge rift in our reality. We stand on the
side of Truth with our all powerful logic and see a dark, bottomless
void between us and a light. The Good lies beyond this darkness.

Some still do not give up on Truth. They attempt to build a bridge with
logic and scientific method. They believe that Truth will one day
reclaim its right to the throne. But the chasm between Truth and the
Good is infinite. Logic is useless beyond this point. Useless.

We must leap from our hearts. It is this revolution that will transform
us and take mankind to the next level of evolution.


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