LS Bodvar and God

clark (
Sat, 6 Dec 1997 09:41:14 +0100

Good Morning,
  First, I like the subject line of this thread. It pleases me to see that
Bodvar has top billing over God. When I look at the sweep of history I just
hope that he will do a better job. Right On! Bodvar.
  I have been following the discussion with much pleasure. I would like to
see if I can sort out my ideas and present them for criticism.
  I get the feeling that the discussion is still bogged down in an
egocentric concept of humanity. It reads to me as if most of you are still
looking at humanity as somehow special and separate from nature. This is
not my feeling at all.
  When I watch the wildlife and my yard dogs and cat interact I see similar
motivations and anxieties that move humans. I see rudimentary thinking and
planning ahead going on that are not a great leap from the position that us
humans occupy. If one looks at the sweep of evolution as we currently
understand it, I believe that we can see a fairly linear development of
awareness and understanding that leads straight to us.
  When I first read ZMM and Lila my initial concept of the term Quality was
that it represented a level of advancement in human understanding and
awareness that was desirable but not yet agreed upon by the mass of
humanity. That it represented all of those ideas and feelings and vague
yearnings that were desirable but not yet accepted into the mainstream of
static quality. The horizon of intellectual and ethical human growth. I
still have the same view.
 My view of the universe is that it is an objective universe that has many
mystical qualities because of our lack of understanding. I believe that
when we are able to know everything then everything (objectwise) will fit
into a coherent scheme. The sweep of the development of the universe looks
logical to me. It seems to me to progress in a very objective fashion up to
the present moment if we allow a little windage for our state of ignorance.
  We see that the Earth came here from other parts of the universe and we
still see the precursors of life coming in from space in the form of amino
acids. We see the necessary energetics operating that is thought to be the
motivating force for the origin of life. We see the progression of
evolution that has (so far) produced us and is probably still operating. We
see plenty of time for all of this to happen. This seems to me to be a
pretty coherent picture of our current position.
  What I cannot see is the beginning of it all. If the Big Bang occurred
was it planned. If so, it was planned well. Has the universe been in
existence forever? That is a staggering concept to me, My mind just wont
accept it.
  Hawkins has given us radiation from black holes which, to my mind, could
make the universe everlasting. If this is so then we don't need reasons.
Everything just is.
  If there is a beginning and an end then we are justified in looking for
first causes.
  Could the universe contain many other planets capable of sustaining life.
If so, will they all be constrained to follow the same pattern that we have
because they will be starting with the same raw materials and energy? Are
there a bunch of Lila Squads out there with the same concerns and debating
the same topics? Is God a planet farmer?
  I don't know the answer. You pays your money and you takes your choice. I
am ready for criticism. Ken

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