LS Re: Bodvar & God

Hettinger (
Sun, 7 Dec 1997 18:41:43 +0100

Hi, LS!

> Magnus (I think) said:
> > First of all, I think that all
> > levels have no idea about any higher levels. Inorganic patterns are
> > not aware of organic manipulation and so on. So, we wouldn't
> > intellectually be able to see any higher levels.
> >


> True, but even though we cannot visualize hyperdimensions it doesn't
> preclude us from doing the math. I think you are suggesting the
> hypothesis has no intellectual value because it is incapable of being
> understood intellectually. Does this mean that any superstructure that
> might exist above the intellectual level is de facto meaningless to us?

If it is there, and we suspect it is, there would still be effects to look
for, some kind of otherwise unexplainable effect. When I grow up, I think
I want to sort through all the social, psychological and group dynamics-type
research I can find. Unexplainable shifts in direction of cause and effect
(which are currently given all kinds of explanations) might fall into place
within MoQ.

Here are some areas I have considered as possible pointers to the fact that
this might be happening:

* A possible shift in the function of groups, that might have happened
within the last half-century.

* The prevalence of big-government conspiracy and alien movies. I wonder
whether this isn't a case of many people perceiving something that isn't
understood, and getting a lot of satisfaction from having this explained as
something more familiar, ie "bad" people manipulating government, or
"aliens" (which in movies are not much different from people) having
large-scale effects on the world.

This is, of course, pure speculation, as it will take me at least 10 years
to even get started on any of this.

Since you were talking about lower levels perceiving higher, I found
something that might interest you. I'm reading Atlas Shrugged (Ayn Rand)
for the first time. I just got to a passage that describes the situation
of entities that function at a lower level attempting to imitate or perceive
higher-level function. I believe the concept Rand is working with pits the
bad guys (people who operate solely in the social level) vs the good guy--a
person who is the vehicle of intellect and evaluation (DQ) operating more
directly on inorganic (without the warping of runaway static social

I'll quote it here.

Atlas Shrugged, Chapter VI, Miracle Metal, Pg 560. begin quote:
He did not know whether Dr. Ferris answered him. He was not listening any
longer. He was seeing the pendulous face of Orren Boyle with the small
slits of pigs eyes, the doughy face of Mr. Mowen with the eyes that scurried
away from any speaker and any fact--he was seeing them go through the jerky
motions of an ape performing a routine it had learned to copy by muscular
habit, performing it in order to manufacture Rearden Metal, with no
knowledge and no capacity to know what had taken place in the experimental
laboratory of Rearden Steel through ten years of passionate devotion to an
excruciating effort. It was proper that they should now call it "Miracle
Metal"--a miracle was the only name they could give to those ten years and
to that faculty from which Rearden Metal was born--a miracle was all that
the Metal could be in their eyes, the product of an unknown, unknowable
cause, an object in nature, not to be explained, but to be seized, like a
stone or a weed, theirs for the seizing--
end quote

See ya,


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