LS Bodvar and God Lars and Martin and Mark and Dave and Doug.

clark (
Fri, 12 Dec 1997 00:11:35 +0100

Almost everyone,
  First, let me explain to lars what my intentions were in my posting to
  Lars, I picked up on your use of Y'all in your posting and took the
opportunity to poke a little gentle fun at my own regional colloquialisms.
I thought perhaps that you had seen some movies of the deep south
characters with names like Billy Bob and Jim Jack driving a pickup with a
gun rack in the rear window and tobacco juice staining the outside of the
doors. Yall is only a recognized word in the southern US. Don't let me lead
you astray. I admire the command of the English language that all of you
"Furriners" (again, intended to be amusing) have. It makes me have hope for
the world that we can sit and converse and argue and discuss and usually
understand each others meaning. I feel somewhat inadequate that I don't
even have a good command of my own language, much less that of someone
else. Here in the US hinterlands I would have no one to converse and
practice with. I would now, wouldn't I? Computers are changing the world
  The comment about this violent century was intended to be ironic. Lets
hope that it doesn't happen again. I gave the poem a quick read. It states
the case exactly. I will go back and digest it better.
  Martin, thank you for your in depth analysis of SOM v MOQ thinking. I
still have trouble with keeping them separated. I don't think we are too
far apart. I just have trouble making my meaning clear. You have also made
clear the meaning of the MTTY salutation. Before it was a minor irritant
to me because I didn't understand it. I now understand and agree. The Many
Truths idea falls in line with my own thinking. I think Mark and I are not
too far apart either if we could sit down and talk for a while.
  Doug, thanks for again taking the trouble to straighten out my thinking.
I have some ideas which differ from yours which I will attempt to make
clear shortly
  Dave, the problem you describe is exactly one which I also have with the
MOQ. I don't think that we are entirely creatures of Dynamic Quality I
think that the situation you describe is solely an interchange within
static quality. I think that most of our intellectual ferment takes place
within static Quality and that we can change and grow or regress through
the influence of static Quality. In this view the general thrust of Dynamic
Quality will grow and recede before us as our rising level of Static
Quality becomes consolidated in the human race. I can even see where we
could live our whole lives without a Dynamic Quality event. I suspect that
many people do just that.
  Now here is where I think I am going to come in conflict with some or all
of you.
  I think that Dynamic Quality is generated separately by each individual
and will be different for each individual. I think Dynamic Quality is a
result of our mental growth and our growth in knowledge and understanding
as we go thru life. I think as we grow in understanding that our mental
reach will exceed our mental grasp and that at the moment of the operation
of Dynamic Quality is when we close the gap between the two and attain a
new level of understanding. I do not think that there is an abstract level
of Good and Truth out there that we are striving for and will ultimately
attain. I think that until we fully understand our position in the universe
we have not a hope of knowing what ultimate Good and Truth is. We can only
hope to make some progress in understanding and have our level of Dynamic
Quality recede before us as we mature as citizens of the universe. There
may be an ultimate goal out there. There may be a first cause or a God. If
there is I prefer to let Dynamic Quality discover it for us in its own good
time. This is all that my mind will encompass at the moment. If you have
objections or questions I will try to expand later. Am I disbarred from the
Lila Squad? Ken Clark

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