LS Re: A plea to the lurkers

Bodvar Skutvik (
Tue, 16 Dec 1997 17:33:07 +0100

Fri, 12 Jimmy wrote:

> I do have a final plea:
> There is a lot of people in the computer business on the squad, could some
> of you please try to write something about AI and MOQ.
> Maybe if you have MOW thoughts on John Searle and David Chalmers.
> (Exams you know)
> Have a nice day
> Jimmy

Dav' Jimmy
Nobody took up your plea for the MOQ/AI information. Did you follow
the AI thread in October (I believe) It was perhaps too loose for an
exams paper. For myself I am too much of an amateur to have anything
to say about the pending ideas in the field. I only know that the
search for the big central brain is "out". Intelligence grows out of
an assembly of lesser peripheral and seemingly non-intelligent units.
However, Magnus Berg seems to be well versed in this matter. Have
you read his "Classics.." piece on the Forum page? So, maybe we
hereby will rouse him to deliver an article on AI. Also check out the
site of Robert Pallbo. He has written on AI based on Pirsig's ideas.


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