LS : The Principle of Quality.

clark (
Sat, 10 Jan 1998 21:05:48 +0100

Platt and Diana and LS,
  I had no new mail this morning so I have been sitting here reading some
of the back mail. Some of you complain about getting too much mail. My
problem is that I don't get enough.
  With regard to the everything is nothing and something is nothing and
everything is everything discussions the conclusion was reached that we
were bogged down in logical absurdities.
  There is no such thing as a logical absurdity. When Einstein established
that we were living in a four dimensional space time continuum he dispensed
with nothing forever.
  Assuming that the Big Bang theory is correct and we are inhabiting an
expanding ball, there is no way that we can ever sensibly establish that we
are living in that ball. Even if we are on the edge of the expanding ball
the interaction of time and gravity and matter will prevent us from ever
knowing it. the curvature of the continuum will make our situation appear
as if we are at the center of the universe. We would still see the same
universe except that the placement of objects would be different and given
our limited lifetime, or the limited lifetime of our species, we would
never be able to determine that another prospect existed. To follow this to
its logical conclusion, if we had telescopes powerful enough we should be
able to see through to the region of the early universe, as it is thought
we are approaching now, then back through a younger universe until we see
from the backside someone peering through a telescope. Lets hope that we
have our pants on during this operation. No logical absurdities anywhere.
All is gravity and time and energy.
  When we start considering the effect of gravity and time on the energy of
the universe and the great glops of frozen energy that we see and then
begin to consider what these great glops of frozen energy are composed of
we begin to get into the quantum area.
  The Quantum area is not so well understood but it is only logically
absurd because our understanding is incomplete. The way that I like to
think of it is that energy is continuous throughout the universe but that
when we begin to get into the realm of the small it must be broken down
into little bits (Planck time and distance) in order to have these small
entities at all. The experiments showing action at a distance are merely
proofs of the continuity of energy throughout the universe. Both ends of
the experiment are the same thing. Allowing for our ignorance in this area
we still don't need to appeal to logical absurdities, just that we need to
know more.
  We are small entities of awareness that have developed in the system that
have the ability to observe the universe from a stopped time vantage point.
Since we can't really stop the time we have to have Dynamic Quality in
order to grab bits of the ongoing functioning of the universe. A point of
contact between the flow of time and awareness. Our evolved system of
awareness then processes these bits of awareness and produces our
understanding of reality. All still occurring within the universal flow of
  It is fun to endlessly discuss the various veiwpoints of philosophy but
from this viewpoint we can see that all philosophy that was not informed by
the current understanding of the universe is about as useful as tits on a
boar hog. I have taken enough of the squads time but I could probably
continue on this discussion ad nauseum. JoAnne has the biscuits and sausage
gravy ready so I will get on to the important things. I am ready for
criticism but if you don't agree with me you are wrong. Ken

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