LS Re: News, 15th Mar '98

Bodvar Skutvik (
Thu, 19 Mar 1998 03:36:54 +0100

Sun, 15 Mar 1998 12:40:54 +0000
Diana McPartlin wrote:

> Yikes, we haven't had a newsletter for six weeks! No new essays but we
> have got new recruits from Brasil, Italy and Wales -- the Lila Squad's
> rise to world domination is surely only moments away.
> I'd like to start a Lila Squad steering committee to discuss various
> administrative issues. Backseat drivers I can do without, but if you've
> got ideas AND are willing to make these ideas happen then please send me
> a note. This applies to new members and old, lurkers and non-lurkers, in
> fact anybody who can spend a couple of hours a month helping develop the
> group.

Hi Diana
Our praise is not enough to lessen the strain of running the LS, so
just tell us what you need help with. It would be a major catastophe
if it was to peter out. I haven't attended such mailing lists
before, but I guess this is something of a record: half a year and
still going strong. As told does Pirsig regard TLS to be his third
book, but the editing will be quite a job, besides it is not
completed - far from it.

If I were to suggest anything for the homepage it would be a
counter. A a little late now perhaps, it must have been thousands
upon thousands of visitors, but it could be interesting to see the
daily rate. I am almost finished with the topic index and Keith
Gillette is trying to make a system to my name index list. It will be
delivered to you for downloading when completed. It looks useful.

Thank you.


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