LS Re: News

Lawrie Douglas (
Mon, 23 Mar 1998 04:33:26 +0100

I tried to send this last week, but it didn't seem to get through. Apologies
if it did after all, and this is the second time you've seen it.

Richard McNeill Douglas.

Diana, do you have a schedule for world domination? Are you going to allot
us jobs? Have you any ideas about the next stage or stages, in the mid to
long term, about how we spread the word? I think a while back you mentioned
how you felt we would need to prepare a series of academic studies of
Pirsig's work, so as to gain academic credibility. I'm not sure quite how
much good that would do, since I tend to feel academe is bankrupt (for
reasons that Pirsig more or less sets out in ZMM, and which I touched upon
in a recentish post, on Pirsig and Plato). What would really change things
would be if some one amongst us could come up with some breakthrough in the
world of physics . . . Well, come on folks, philosophy pulls rank on science
. . . Think about the pre-Socratics . . . Think about beautiful solutions .
. . What say we open something of a Crank's Forum and put forward some
(brief) amateur musings on grand scientific problems? Let's not be bashful.
Every explanation has some truth in it. Even if we get things hideously
wrong overall, some good may come out of it.

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