LS Re: Explain the Dynamic-Static spli

Jonathan B. Marder (
Wed, 10 Jun 1998 17:19:28 +0100

Hi Squad,

A horrific thought occurred to me this morning - that I may have split
DQ into two.

Then I reread Fintan's contribution and saw that he had already done it!

FINTAN wrote
>Is there some kind of special award for legitimately bringing up the
>subject of PUBIC hair in a philosophy forum. If so, then put my name
>down, because it impacts on the sentient v non-sentient DQ.

This is deeply offensive - to those (i.e. the Squad) who hold the unity
DQ in such high esteem.

My own thought on the possible DQ split used different language.

If I find something I am looking for, DQ is the flash of recognition
I find it - a matching to a well-defined pattern.

But what about the DQ which makes us notice the dramatic or the bizarre?
It's bizarre because it fails to match a pattern. ... or is NO pattern
also a pattern?

Comments please.


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