LS Re: Explain the Dynamic/Static Split

Diana McPartlin (
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 06:28:19 +0100

Hi Bo n Squad

> When change to matter came about it resulted in a totally new value
> level -Biology. And here the same applies. If a strange life form
> will be found to have evolved on a far away planet, it is BiPoV as
> good as any one found on earth. Change to static Biological patterns
> ended up as Social value.
> The Brujo of LILA did not bring about new SoPoV value. All he did was
> introduce new ways for his tribe to orientate itself relative to the
> new power in the region: the US government. "Evolution" within the
> Social value realm became the Intellectual value level, and to apply
> the same logic here: Ideas seem to have alternated between the
> subject-object limitations ever since that value level was
> established. A truly new idea will result in a transgression of InPoV
> (is that what the MOQ is?)
> Finally, my proposal for a DQ/SQ split (minimalistic) definition is

The only thing I want to add is that it is not simply change but change
for the better. If it is only change then it seems that anything that is
new or different is Dynamic, but I don't think that's exactly right.
Dynamic Quality is always a change and it is always new and different
but it must also be better.

In LILA Pirsig talks about how the most progressive people in a society
are often confused with the most degenerate people because they are both
behaving differently from the majority. The crucial difference is that
one is changing things for the better, the other is changing things for
the worse.

P says that the brujo was following some sense of "betterness". He
wasn't trying to upset the status quo just because he wanted to change
things. Change was certainly a big part of it but it was primarily
because he was trying to make things better.

I also agree with those who see dynamic and static as two extremes on a
sliding scale. Things are not either dynamic or static but more or less
dynamic and static. As P showed in the song on the radio example. The
progression from a dynamic listening experience to a static one is
gradual. The sound is dynamic first then gradually becomes more static.



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