LS Re: Explain the Static Dynamic split.

Jonathan B. Marder (
Sun, 28 Jun 1998 13:33:01 +0100

Dear Squad, Clark,
Clark wrote:
> I view the MOQ as a product of the physical organization of the
> as it resulted from the falling energy levels at the time of the

I'm not sure if Clark really means "MOQ" rather than just Q in the bove
quote. Surely any metaphysics is an entirely intellectual pattern. I
don't see how the term metaphysics has any meaning in another context.
This realisation clears up for me everthing around Bo's SOTAQI idea.
SOM, MoQ, mysticism, SOTAQI or whatever are all intellectual patterns.
The confusion is that a metaphysical pattern has to include the
intellectual level in which it resides. We've been confusing
(intellectual) patterns of reality with reality itself. Thus Pirsig's
"Inorganic Level" is an intellectual pattern for describing certain
aspects of nature, and the same goes for the other levels. Nature can do
its stuff quite nicely without any of our intellectual input.

Now, back on topic. I'm not going to differentiate specifically between
DQ and SQ, but pattern evolution and alteration by chance events.
Consider the following example (with apologies for any inappropriate
Boy - like watching and playing sports, frequents the pub, spends
weekends working on motorcycle.
Girl - likes theatre, goes dancing often, enjoys shopping, camping with
Thus we have two seperate life patterns which one day, by chance,
intersect resulting in:-
**Attraction and bonding**. Once this happens, a new pattern has to
emerge, satisfying elements of the old patterns. This new pattern is at
a higher level of complexity ( hence the use of this example:-). Things
get even more complex when babies arrive (more smilies).
Life is full of pattern changes, some cause by expected events, some by
unexpected ones. I suppose these are all "Quality" events (DQ) - or as I
would prefer "Meaningful" events.
Characterising these events in terms of patterns is to intellectualise
Thus, my proposal for a DQ/SQ split:-
   DQ - things that happen
   SQ - intellectualised description of DQ.

This idea has its attractions, but in brings back the mind-matter split
in full force!
Comments anyone?

JonathanJonathan B. Marder <>
Department of Agricultural Botany, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Faculty of Agriculture, P.O.Box 12, Rehovot 76100, ISRAEL
Phone: +972 8 9481918 Fax: +972 8 9467763
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