LS Re: Explain the Dynamic-static split

Donald S. Rosenow (
Thu, 9 Jul 1998 18:40:55 +0100

Hello, squad!

I have been lurking for a while. After this post, you may want me to go
back to lurking. In any event, I have been pleased to find you and have
been enjoying myself. My spouse is not quite so sanquine, but she'll get
over it. I hope.

Reality exists independent of observation. Quality IS reality. How the
observer interprets reality is different for each and every observer to
one degree or another. The fact that societies exist at all means that
humans generally interpret reality more or less the same. Even the
differences between societies are not as pronounced as the similarities.
The attributes of Q are ultimately unknowable in any absolute sense
because Q is dynamic.

It is sometimes difficult for me to differentiate between Q/reality/God.
Sometimes I think we may be be sectarian Arians in a trinitarian world.



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