LS Re: the four levels of MoQ

Sun, 9 Aug 1998 06:12:54 +0100

Hello all -

Spent the last day trying to sort out finding a balance between two of
my heroes, Pirsig and Wilber. I saw a *massive* area of confluence when
the topic of the four levels came up; i got enthused and quoted Wilber
at length. I guess what I saw as crystal-clear is NOT what Platt, Bo,
and glove saw in black and white. If it was my way of phrasing it, their
way of interpreting it, or simply the two philosophies being
incommesurate, I am trying to figure this out. Integration, not
alienation, is what I'm trying to get at. Please forgive me if it comes
out in a way that seems offensive or boorish.

Which makes me want to clarify thsi point - glove mis-interpreted my
comment. I said it was "sheer brillinace." I wrote to glove to clarify
some other points and he responded - as graciously as possible - by
saying that my comment was "snide." I was shocked to read this, for
those were likely the most sincere words I have ever written to TLS. My
brevity was misinterpreted as rudeness, and for that I apologize and
would like to cite in full a post that I still feel is sheer
brilliance! I honestly feel that these were some of the best words
submitted to TLS in months.



P.S> If the following (final 2 paragraphs in particular) isn't Quality,
I dont know what is....... This post also speaks to how some of us may
be too quick to judge certain comments as "SOM".... : )
hello Bodvar and squad,

Bodvar wrote:

GLOVE at first (in his comment to Platt) speaks convincingly and
correctly about the world being all quality, but then goes on to adopt
the SOMish sounding view of the human consciousness as the creator of
it all: everything is there already for us to bring into being.

Bo, while my post may sound SOMish, please think of it as SOTAQ I speak
to bridge the gap between what i really want to say and what others will
hear :) for not only is the universe all quality, our awareness is also
all quality and so impossible to define. rather than saying the human
consciousness is the creator of it all, i would say awareness is perhaps
the creator of it all, and further, the universe is awareness and so in
a way creates itself, but not in a SOM type of way. awareness creates
reality and when awareness changes, reality changes with it. awareness
could each be said to be operating in all-space-filling reality spheres,
and when the 'me' at the center of the sphere is no more, when the 'me'
dies, then that reality sphere is gone. whether it reappears again in a
regenerating fashion is open to debate and another subject altogether.

in our self-importance, we humans have a tendency to think of ourselves
as the dominant species put here on earth to subdue it and all the other
creatures who crawl, walk, swim or fly upon it. this idea extends into
philosophy as well and is perhaps one reason why MoQ is so hard to
really get a handle on. MoQ doesnt show human beings as a dominant shows human beings are capable of perceiving another layer,
the intellect, of reality. this doesnt make humans better than anything
else in the universe, only different, and the only way to recognize this
is thru losing the self important feeling that we are.

if we live in harmony and balance with the universe, we will resonate
with its ringing. that is quality, and thats all there really is.

best wishes to all,


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