LS PROGRAM Subject-object platypi and Metaphysics of Quality solutions
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 06:36:26 +0100

PROGRAM Subject-object platypi and Metaphysics of Quality solutions

For the month of September 1998, the MoQ Discussion Group will debate
the topic of "Subject-object platypi and Metaphysics of Quality

In LILA, Pirsig writes:

"Subject -object metaphysics is characterized by herds of huge,
dominating, monster platypi. The problems of free will versus
determinism, of the relation of mind to matter, of the discontinuity of
matter at the sub-atomic level, of the apparent purposelessness of the
universe and the life within it are all monster platypi created by the
subject-object metaphysics. Western philosophy can almost be defined as
platypus anatomy. These creatures that seem like such a permanent part
of the philosophical landscape magically disappear when a good
Metaphysics of Quality is applied. "

Please can we look more closely at some of these platypi and discuss how

the MoQ resolves them.

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